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Soldering Iron Tip
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How to Maintain a Soldering Iron Tip

Soldering involves heating metal at a high temperature and requires precision at every turn, meaning proper maintenance is a must. Most importantly is the maintenance of the soldering iron tip, a crucial step in retaining optimal performance, cleanliness, and safety. Soldering iron tips wear out over time due to the construction of the tool. To maintain a properly working soldering iron tip, there are many steps you need to take. Today, the goal is to explain the most important steps in maintaining a soldering iron tip and what to do when problems arise. Maintaining a Soldering Iron Tip Maintaining a soldering iron starts with the tip, which is the most delicate part. It is also the most important part, allowing you to work with precision and safety. Therefore, ensuring proper maintenance is imperative to keep the tip in good shape. However, maintaining a soldering iron tip is not a one-step job and takes constant effort. To maintain your soldering iron tip, you need to consider things such as how to store it, what steps to take to do as little damage during use as possible, and how to fix any damage that might have been done. Ensure Proper Storage Before you begin thinking about the different steps to take to actively maintain your soldering iron tips, you must make sure you follow the correct storage techniques. First off, your soldering iron storage must be clean and sealed to prevent oxidation of the tips, which can ruin them, even if they are not in use. An important thing to note before putting your tips away is that you must clean and tin the tips every single time. Tinning your tip is mainly used if you are storing your tips for an extended period, but following this rule at all times will extend the life of your tips and further prevent oxidation. Remember to ensure that your tip is cool prior to storing it. If you are storing a tip for a brief period, such as when switching components or switching between joints, store it in a secure soldering iron holder. You can keep the tip at an idle temperature so that it can be used again quickly. However, do not store it at its operating temperature because that will reduce the lifespan of the soldering iron tip. You can also loosen the screw that holds it into place before storing it, which will prevent a potential issue with the tip becoming stuck, known as seizing. Regardless, correctly storing your soldering iron tips is an important step that you can take to make sure they have a long lifespan and need as little active maintenance as possible. Clean the Tip Cleaning your soldering iron tips is another crucial step to ensure that they continue operating properly and for extending their lifespan. In fact, soldering iron tips should be cleaned before, during, and after use. Fortunately, there are several useful methods to maintain the cleanliness and effectiveness of your soldering iron tips. You can use a damp sponge. Using a damp sponge simplifies oxide removal, but if it is not damp enough, it can catch fire, so pay attention. Also, a damp sponge can result in a thermal shock to the tip by rapidly reducing the heat, and the rapid change in temperature can be bad for the lifespan of a tip. A Dry Cleaner is a system made of metal shavings that are coated with flux. Thrusting your soldering iron tip into a dry cleaner several times will quickly and properly clean it. Also, when you avoid the thermal shock that comes from a wet sponge, you are preventing the tip from rapidly expanding or shrinking. Metal wool is another common and effective tool used to clean soldering iron tips. It will remove dirt and contaminants without introducing thermal shock. Be sure not to use anything more abrasive, such as sandpaper, because that will also reduce the lifespan of your soldering iron tip drastically.

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soldering station with heat gun
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Five Reasons Your Solder Won’t Stick

Soldering is a process that allows you to join or fuse two metal objects together through the use of heat, a hot iron, and a metal alloy filler made of lead and tin known as solder. This technique is commonly used in engineering and electronics professions for the creation and repairs of products. Unfortunately, this process and work productivity can be severely hindered if you find that your solder won’t stick. There are five main reasons why solder might not stick to metal. Typically, the issues lie with lack of heat, dirty equipment, or product material, which could ultimately come down to poor technique. Fortunately, these issues can be fixed easily and quickly with a few simple steps.   1.Solder Tip Has Oxidized Your soldering iron is paramount to the process of soldering, and if it is defective, your solder might not even melt, let alone stick. If the solder tip has oxidized, it will prevent anything from sticking. Resolution To resolve this issue, you’ll want to clean the tip of the soldering iron. First, turn the iron on to a typical work range of about 300°C. Once it is sufficiently heated, you’ll want to apply a flux-colored solder onto the tip and wait for the heat to activate the flux. This will cause a chemical reaction that will remove any mild oxidation with the help of brass wool or specialized cleaners applied to the tip. 2.Dirty or oxidized parts The tip of your soldering iron isn’t the only thing that needs to be clean and free of oxidation. Your working materials must be, as well. Resolution If you are attempting to solder an older piece of metal, it will most likely need a solid cleaning first. The use of a strong flux should sufficiently clean the metal enough for soldering. Copper parts tend to oxidize quickly once exposed to air, so these can be cleaned easily with pink erasers to give them a light sanding before soldering. 3.Soldering Iron is Not Hot Enough If the solder isn’t hot enough, it won’t melt or adhere to the desired metal. This issue is usually caused by the soldering iron being set to an improper temperature, or the iron itself has a wattage that is too low for the solder size you are using. Resolution  If you notice your solder isn’t sticking, check your solder material and compare it to the wattage of your soldering iron. You might find that the iron isn’t the right match for the job in terms of wattage and needs to be switched out for another. 4.Metal is Not Hot Enough  Soldering is temperature-sensitive. The metal has to be hot enough to melt metal. Otherwise, it won’t adhere properly. Resolution Hold your soldering iron against the metal for an extended time until it reaches temperatures high enough for the solder to melt and adhere to the metal. You can also use a propane torch to heat the exterior of the metal you are working with, depending on its size and metal type. 5.Poor Technique If you want to solder efficiently, don’t let solder sit on the soldering iron and then carry it over to the joint. If you do this, you will burn off the flux from the solder and you won’t be able to adhere it to metals effectively. Resolution If you are constantly allowing solder to sit on your soldering iron before adhering it to the joint, stop. The only real resolution to this issue is to learn proper soldering techniques and practice them. Over time, you will know what not to do and are less likely to have solder fall off from poor technique.  Contact us At Guangdong Shunde Gordak electronic company, we manufacture high quality and the best soldering rework station that durable and original. Our teams of tech experts are globally recognized for quality delivery, and are committed to producing top-notch rework station. You can count on our delivery of the product which prompt and timely. Kindly place a call to order for yours today or you can check to see the available products.

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soldering work station
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Rework Station Vs. Soldering Station: Pros & Cons Of Both

Rework stations are the perfect tool for dealing with delicate components, allowing for easy desoldering and adjustment without much risk of damage to the parts. However, unlike soldering stations, rework stations are expensive, cumbersome, and lack precision. Rework stations and soldering stations are two tools in the same vein, but they have very different scopes of use. Today, we will be exploring the two different soldering tools and discussing the pros and cons of each, helping you decide which tool is right for you. Rework Stations and Soldering Stations Rework stations and soldering stations both deal with one simple process, soldering. However, while they do have some similarities, their uses differ vastly, each being better or worse at certain things. Putting vagueness aside, soldering stations tend to be more useful for precision work, such as through-hole soldering or more intricate work. Rework stations work under different circumstances, providing a gentler approach, and being capable of working with almost any component. However, rework stations lack the same precision that makes a soldering station so useful. The Basics of Each Station Let us start by looking at the broad differences between the stations, namely the parts involved. If looking at the most basic product available, a rework station, also known as a hot air rework station, only comes with a hot air gun. While the exact options vary, there is not much more to the base product, aside from maybe a few different nozzles. On the other hand, a soldering station comes with a few different parts, even in the base model, including: A soldering iron, perhaps with several tips A soldering iron stand A sponge, either conventional or bronze While both soldering stations and rework stations might contain other pieces, those are the basics. Also, while it may seem like a given, each one involves an electric power supply and, likely, a digital display for temperature and other important information. Another difference, one with more significance, is the size of the stations. Scope of Use The largest difference between the two stations might be what types of work they do best. While there are minute details to consider, the primary difference between their scopes of work can be summed up in this manner: Soldering Station: Powerful tool suited for precision work Rework Station: Useful tool that excels at quick, less surgical work To Be or Not to Be Precise So, precision is the strength of soldering stations, but what does that really mean? Think about these situations, each of which would benefit from the use of a soldering station: Connecting wires Circuit board soldering, specifically through-hole soldering Making a small repair to jewelry, pipes, and other pieces of metal The Pros and Cons of Contact One of the reasons for the differences in precision between the two stations lies in their method of applying heat. Soldering stations rely on direct contact with the solder or parts. On the other hand, rework stations never have direct contact with what they are attempting to heat. While not significant in and of itself, there are certain pros and cons associated with this. Mainly, there are some major benefits to having no contact by using a rework station, such as the previously touched upon factor of not damaging sensitive parts. Other pros include: Being able to use other tools without much risk, such as a tool for adjusting components while keeping the solder melted and ready for placement, allowing for easy adjustments. It can also act as a replacement soldering iron of sorts if precision is not needed. An additional layer of safety. With direct contact, there are sparks, and while the risks are not entirely eliminated with a rework station and the elimination of direct contact, there is far less to worry about when using a hot air rework station. Considering the small components rework stations suit the most, this is helpful. Conclusion Both soldering stations and rework stations have their pros and cons, pitting precision against broad heat. In many cases, they are complete opposites, performing well in the areas the other does not. So, while a soldering station likely fits more of your needs, being more versatile as a whole, both are very useful and complement each other nicely.

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smd rework
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Designs Of Power Supply: Linear vs. Switch-Mode

When it comes to the design of DC power supply, there are majorly two types; the switch-mode also referred to as switching and the linear design. Worthy of mention is the fact that either the switch-mode or linear power supply are both used for the supply of DC power. However, one marked difference between both power supply is the fact that the method employed in the production of power is widely different from one to the other. Also, depending on what each type of power supply will be used for, each of these types of power supply have its own peculiar advantages and disadvantages over the other. For this reason, it is most expedient to partner with a reputable manufacturer in order to get the best power supply per time. In this article, we shall be considering what is the striking differences between both the switch-mode as well as the linear mode of power supply. Switch-mode power supply This type of power supply works basically by converting the AC line of power into a DC voltage, and doenst have the need for a transformer. After the transfer of the AC power into a DC voltage, the DC voltage is later transformed into a high level frequency of AC signal. This high frequency SC signal is later used in within the regulator circuit for the purpose of producing the much needed current and voltage. The resultant product of this series of conversion and transformation is a smaller transformer used for either lowering or raising the voltage compared to what would have been needed within an AC line frequency of about 60Hz. More so, a swtih-mode power supply has a smaller and litter (about 80%) smaller than its linear counterpart. However, it usually generates a high amount of noise, which can affect very sensitive electrical equipment. Compared to linear power supplies, the switch-mode power supplies have the ability to tolerate small losses of AC power within the range of about 10-20ms, and this wont affect its outputs. Frankly speaking, these little transformers are usually more beneficial than a 60Hz transformer, and this usually gives a higher power conversion ratio. Liner power supply In a linear power supply, the AC line voltage is usually used in powering transformer to either lower or raise the voltage before it is being used on the regulatory circuit. The linear power supply usually produces a heavier and larger power supply because the size of the transformer is always indirectly proportional to the frequency from the operation. In most cases, a linear power supply usually requires a bigger semiconductor equipment that will control the output voltage in order to produce more heat, which will invariably lead to a smaller energy efficiency. Also, a linear power supply usually works at about 60% efficiency for about 24V output, compared to a swtich mode power supply at operates at about 80% or even more. Interestingly, linear power supply usually have a brief response time of about 100 times, which is faster compared to the switch-mode power supply. This, you can tell is very important in some special areas of applications.    In summary, the switch-mode power supply is designed specifically for small equipment. This is so because it is more compact and lighter. However, for most analog circuit and power sensitive equipment, the linear power supply is most suited for this. Contact us for the best power supply We are proud to be a leading brand that is specialized in the design and manufacture of various types of power supply including both linear and switch-mode. Do you have a need for the best product at a price that wont break the bank? If yes, then kindly click here to reach us for all our high quality product.

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desoldering station with vacuum pump
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Components Of Electronic Soldering Equipment That Make Your Life Easier

The only soldering components needed to start the soldering activities are the soldering iron and some solder. Though it is possible to carry out the soldering process with only a soldering iron, however, acquiring a few additional tools could make it a lot easier. The quality of the electronic soldering tools is something you should not compromise with and so you can partner with a reliable and trusted electronic soldering equipment manufacturer for quality and durable products. Here are some components of soldering equipment. 1. Soldering Iron There is little or nothing you can do without an electronic soldering iron.  For beginners, you do not need to purchase a very expensive one. However, as you make progress in the job by working on an advanced board, you might want to go for an improved and more costly one. One important substance though not a tool is the solder wire. It is needed in the process as well. 2. Wire Cutter The wire cutter is a handy little soldering component. It is used to cut or remove the end of a wire. They are also referred to as electronic clippers or snippers. Alternatively, you can also go for something similar and much easier which is a wire stripper 3. Soldering Tools For Desoldering Sometimes you may make mistakes in the process of soldering, and you need to replace such components in a circuit. This implies that you have to desolder it to fix it appropriately. Two tools are needed for desoldering and these are solder sucker and solder wick. I. Solder sucker The solder sucker is also known as a solder pump which is a mechanical vacuum pump that sucks away the solder from the solder joint. The solder joint is heated to make it change to fluid then it is sucked off using the solder pump. II. Solder wick Another tool made for removing solder is the solder wick, which is made up of copper thread that absorbs solder from the joint on the board in a circuit. This is used to remove a small quantity of solder from a solder bridge i.e. between the pins on a circuit. 4. Tweezers Tweezers are components of the electronic soldering equipment that is used to keep the solder in place to avoid burning to your fingers. 5. USB Microscope A USB microscope is a valuable component that is used in debugging process. With the help of a microscope, you can uncover the tiny solder joints that exist between pin which is not supposed to be there. This component is useful for people with eye defects as this will aid them in doing the work perfectly. 6. Wet Sponge A wet sponge is useful for making the tip of the soldering iron clean during the process. The tip should be clean intermittently and regularly during and after use. This usually comes with the soldering iron stand. 7. Soldering Stand In the course of soldering, the soldering iron becomes hot and needs to be placed in a safe place to avoid any accident. The soldering stand is ideal for this purpose. In need of a high-quality electronic soldering equipment ? Electronic soldering equipment is an important aspect of soldering and to get a quality one, you need to partner with a reliable and trusted electronic soldering equipment manufacturer. At Guangdong Shunde Gordak electronic company, we are globally recognized for manufacturing standards and high quality that is strong and reliable. Our team of experienced high-tech professionals is dedicated to giving you the best and we do not compromise with our delivery time. Kindly click to view our various products.

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temp controlled soldering iron
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PCB Repair Versus Rework Service

In recent times, the need for printed circuit board-based devices has greatly increased. Thus, the complexity of PCB is more than it was before. Putting in place the required quality and safety check, the manufacturers of PCB are taking extra steps to ensure that they perform optimally. However, there is a need for rework of the PCB in case of any damage and the ideal tool for this is the use of a preheater rework station because of the preheating system put in place. They are available in the market but to get a quality one, you need to partner with a reliable and trusted preheater rework station manufacturer. Many things go into the PCB rework and repair process which are 1. Cleaning This process is one of the first activities to carry out during a PCB rework or repair. The PCBs may be covered with some dirties which may affect the electrical properties of the device as well as its physical characteristics such as coating, soldering, and bonding. This can be achieved through the use of the automated method or applying cleaning agents. 2. Conformal Coating Removal The removal of the layer is usually the first work carried out during the rework of a PCB device. These layers prevent clouds of dust from settling on the surface from the unfavorable conditions of the environment. Another benefit of these coatings is the insulation of the device from corrosion. To remove the coatings, various methods can be explored depending on the type of coating used. These methods are: I. Solvent Method: This method involves the use of a solvent in removing coatings from a PCB. This is usually effective for coating removal that cannot be removed with a soldering iron. II. Peeling Method: This process of coat removal is usually apt for thick rubber-like coatings the one made of RTV silicone. III. Thermal Method: This is the application of low-temperature conditions to remove the dense coating on a PCB. uses a low temperature, a restricted heating method to remove the thick coating from PCBs. IV. Scraping Method: This method involves physical means of removing the coatings on the PCB. This is usually achieved using a dental-like. 3. Coating Replacement: This involves the various means of replacing the soldered coatings on a PCB 4. Baking and Preheating:  The process of baking PCBs before rework is very important as this helps to remove all traces of moisture from the part of the PCB. As a way of preparing the PCB product for the next activity, SMT components are made to go through a reflow system where the temperature gradually increases and remove the moisture as steam. I. Baking: In a case where there are chances for the baking process. It should be done before soldering and other activities to help prevent denting of the laminate. II. Preheating: Preheating improves the sticking of any material to carry out soldering operations efficiently. 5. Hole Repair Most times, the plated holes get tampered with during the process of reworking PCB. Hence the need for the proper repair of both the plated hole and none- plated hole aboard. This can be done by either using a transplanted technique or an epoxy method. While the epoxy technique is used to repair little damages on the plated hole, the transplant method is used to adjust the size, shape, and positioning of the plated hole. In need of a high-quality soldering rework station? To carry out the process of repair or rework on a PCB, you need to get the best quality preheater rework station that will not only function effectively but will serve you for a very long time. Hence, the need to partner with a trusted and reliable preheater rework station manufacturer for the best grades. At Foshan Gordak Electric Co., Ltd. we manufacture high quality and best preheater rework station that is authentic and durable. Our teams of high-tech experts are recognized globally for producing quality products and nothing short of it. They are fully committed to producing a top-notch rework station. You can count on our delivery of a product which prompt and timely. Kindly click to check our quality products

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portable soldering station
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Tips For Choosing The Right Choice Of Soldering Station

With lots of improvements in technology, the soldering station has profited greatly and this has resulted in different designs of soldering devices. Apart from the existing stations, some emerging stations focus on a special job request. Beyond just being a simple soldering station, these new sets of machines deliver an improved operation and enhanced performance. Apart from the use of soldering stations for mere soldering tasks, they can also be used to operate on the different integrated circuits. The efficiency or performance of a soldering station is a function of its make and that is why it is important to partner with a reliable and trusted soldering station manufacturer to get the best brand. Some essential factors should be looked into before you buy a soldering station and this includes the following: 1. Heat Up Time If you consistently have a soldering task to deal with, then the tip of the soldering iron should heat up in a short time for you to meet up. A station that has high heat-retaining ability will give improved thermal efficiency and a shorter heat-up time. 2. Temperature and Wattage Control For most of the soldering tasks in the electronic industries, a soldering station with around a 40-watt power rating is sufficient. However, a soldering station with a higher rating capacity can serve as a reserve and can come in handy in some certain cases. An adjustable soldering station is a more effective choice that allows the regulation of temperature and wattage and most of the soldering stations have an adjustable knob to achieve this. 3. Electrostatic discharge Safety One major cause of failure in a soldering station is sudden electrostatic discharge and so it advisable to go for a product that is protected against it. With this in place, it will go a long way to improving the quality of work and durability of the station. 4.  Soldering Tip Cost One thing that you need to constantly change in the use of a soldering station is a soldering tip as it undergoes tear and wears with use. A very good choice of the station to acquire should be one that allows the use of cost-friendly soldering tips during replacements. We have some varieties of stations available and these are: 1. Contact Soldering Station This type of soldering station is the most common and gained a lot of acceptance amongst users. The thermal level and the voltage of this station can be regulated by an in-built power source to a particular value based on its application at the point in time. 2.  Infrared Soldering Station For an advanced form of soldering, you will need the infrared soldering station which focuses a beam of radiation on the target object for soldering thereby preventing any mechanical impairment or excessive heating. 3.  Hot Air Rework Station The name “hot air” soldering station, implies that the components can be preheated and thus makes it useful for operating on surface mount technology components. Other areas of use are DIP (Dual Inline Packaging), SOIC (Small Outline Integrated Circuits), and other IC units. 4. Lead-Free Soldering Station These are products known for their relatively cheap cost but are limited to use in a market that prohibits the use of leaded materials. They make use of a zero-lead solder and offers an improved efficiency to soldering activities. They usually need additional heat to melt the solder and so it is advisable for the supplier to give the soldering station manufacturer vital information on how to cut down costs with regards to this. In need of a top-quality soldering station? The tips needed to choose the best soldering station for a given job have been shared in this article but you need to partner with a reliable and trusted soldering station manufacture for your products. At Guangdong Shunde Gordak electronic company, we manufacture top quality and standard soldering stations that are reliable and durable. Our team of high-tech professionals is committed to giving you the best and our delivery system is top-notch. Kindly check to see our lists of products and make your order now. 

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Foshan Gordak Electric Co., Ltd.
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Basic Information About Ultrasonic Cleaner

It is crystal clear that cleaning and washing are not an easy job,  but cleaning plays an important role in making us healthy and fit. It is always good when you see a tool that will do the job for you and not only doing the cleaning job but kill germs and other contaminants. The ultrasonic cleaner is the right tool that can do the cleaning and washing perfectly for you and which also reduces your stress. It is a tool that is used to clean items by the use of water, ultrasound, and other useful cleaning solvents. Also, an ultrasonic cleaner is a machine used to remove dirt, germs from things that are kept in a water tank and tensed with sound waves that have a high frequency. Most importantly, for a stress-free life, and healthy living, purchasing an ultrasonic cleaner from a renowned and experienced manufacturer is the most recommended option for your cleaning.   Basic components of an ultrasonic cleaner 1. Tank An ultrasonic cleaner comes with a tank, and it is different in size and can hold different gallons of solvent.  Although some come without a tan, and in a situation like that, you need an extra sink or bowl to use it. 2. Temperature regulators and timers This is not found in all models, only on and off switch that is seen in all models, and also some models have automatic off. 3. Piezoceramic transducers This is seen below the tank or at the tank side. 4. Drainer This is used to remove the solution once cleaning is done; the feature is not common with all ultrasonic cleaner. 5. Electrical energy The transducers are powered by electrical energy, and most cleaners work around power of 50 watts to 100 watts per gallon 6. Basket This prevented scratches during cleaning. However, you need to take note of the size of the basket and tank while buying an ultrasonic cleaner, and this decision is made based on the things you want to wash. 7. Stainless steel or aluminum design  The majority of the cleaners are manufactured with aluminum or stainless steel that makes it strong and secure for a long time. The cleaning process of an ultrasonic cleaner Before use, the power cable of the ultrasonic cleaner will be plugged into a power source, and then the machine will be turned on. Once this is done, the transducer will change in size, and it will alter the electrical energy to ultrasonic energy. At this point, the transducers will increase in size, and high-frequency compression sound waves will be formed, and there will be quick formation and fall of cavitation bubbles. The cavitation bubbles will be bigger as the compression sound waves persist, and as it grows bigger. As the sizes increase and the bubble can’t cope with the shape again, the bubbles mix with the liquid and turn it apart. Buy high-quality ultrasonic cleaner from us You don’t need to worry about where to get the best ultrasonic cleaner because we are available to serve you with the best product that will ease your stress and assure you of a healthy living. Kindly contact us to purchase our high-quality product, which will give you the expected satisfaction.

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SMD Rework Station
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A Simple Guide On The Use Of SMD Rework Station

Surface Mount Device (SMD) rework station is also known and referred to as hot air blower. They are used for soldering and de-soldering of integrated circuit (IC) parts or chips and Ball Grid Array (BGA). It is also used to repair mobile phones and Printed Circuit Boards (PCB). SMD rework station has two knobs for control, and one of them is needed to regulate the flow and movement of hot/heated air and the second is needed to regulate the temperature. Also, the hot air which flows through the nozzle is fixed to the handle. And the hot air is needed to dissolve the solder paste which is below the IC. Additionally, it is needed as a BGA rework station with other equipment like PCB pouch and preheater which is used to serve heat from the bottom of the board. However, for your de-soldering and soldering of IC component and mobile phone repair, purchasing SMD rework station from an experienced and reliable manufacturer is the best way to go. Types of SMD rework station in the market There are many SMD rework station in the market, and the quality of some are superb but costly while some are cheap. However, individual preference still remains the ultimate determinant of what type of SMD rework station to buy. The following are some of the best types of SMD rework station in the market 1. GORDAK 952C Soldering and rework station. 2. GORDAK 857 3. GORDAK Import Soldering Iron 936B 4. GORDAK 938B Digital Soldering Station 5. GORDAK 909D Soldering and rework station Guide on the Use of SMD rework station The first thing is to plug in the power cord and turn it on, and then you turn on the power switch of the station. There is also a need to regulate the air pressure and temperature this is to ensure balancing of both which allows appropriate de-soldering and soldering. When the heat is much and the airflow is small, it will bring out excess heat which can destroy mobile phone PCB. In the same vein when the heat is small and the airflow much it will cause dissatisfying de-soldering and soldering. Also, some of the stations have automatic power cut, especially when you place the handle on the holder power off. More so, when you are doing some repairs, you need to off the station, and this will allow the station to naturally blow cool air and this will help the heater inside the handle to cool and no damage will occur. Besides, it is needful for you to preheat the PCB during soldering or de-soldering. You can do this by supplying heat through some height and the handle of the station will be brought down steadily. However, when unexpected heat is supplied to the PCB component or part this can cause the PCB and other components to get damage as a result of thermal chock. Are you in need of a superior SMD rework station? It is well known that there are many SMD rework station in the market, but determining the best quality among them may be difficult. Well, we are here for you, and you can rely on us to serve you the right product at any time and to anywhere. Click here to purchase our premium products which will prevent damages during de-soldering and soldering.

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